Letter from the CEO

Letter from the CEO

woman chopping fruit

Of all the programs we operate at the Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas, my favorite is our Senior Food Pantry Program. When I started working at the Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas in 1997, we had a group of three retired people who volunteered together at the Food Bank every other week. Each member of this group was in their mid-sixties (at least), but none of them considered themselves elderly or senior. This trio of retirees faithfully volunteered to pack food boxes for needy senior citizens. These three individuals had such a profound impact on my life and the work that we do at the Food Bank. They would be so proud to know that we have been able to improve access to food assistance for senior citizens. I am so grateful to have known Helen, Bruce, and Walter.

Christie Jordan, CEO Letter from the CEO


With Gratitude,                 

Christie Jordan, CEO Letter from the CEO

Christie Jordan CEO


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