The holidays should be a special time for everyone, but for our neighbors facing food insecurity, the holidays can be stressful. At a time when we all want to celebrate with friends and family, families dealing with food insecurity are doing their best to get by. We don't want anyone in our community to go without this holiday season. That's why we need your help to Fill the Food Bank.
Join us at Walmart on Highland St. from 6am-6pm on November 15th!

Enter our Top 5 Competition for a chance to win on-air interviews with KAIT-8 and Jonesboro Radio Group. Winners will also be featured on the Fill the Food Bank website and in the Food Bank's "Feeding the Hungry" Newsletter. The #1 donor will receive the Fill the Food Bank Traveling Plaque for 1 year!
Donations from October 1st to November 7th will count toward your goal
Competition forms are due by October 27th. Donations must be delivered to the Food Bank by November 7th. There is a 500-lb minimum for the Food Bank to pick up donations.
If you have any questions, contact Elizabeth Johnson at or 870-932-3663.
Sign up as a group or individually to volunteer at Fill the Food Bank! If you have questions, contact Elizabeth Johnson at or 870-932-3663.
Visit any one of our satellite locations on Friday, November 15 to drop off your donation of unexpired, nonperishable food or monetary donation. All donations stay local!